About Us

Our Story

About us

Our team is what we value the most

With great people, modern and cool products emerge.

Ink Stitch Press, your trusted print partner, we believe that our strength lies in our team – the creative minds and dedicated souls who turn visions into reality. Our journey began in the most unexpected circumstances, amidst the challenging times of the COVID-19 lockdown. It was a period that transformed the world, and in turn, inspired the birth of our unique venture.

Simplicity carried to an extreme becomes elegance

Our Story

How It All Started

Our journey began amidst the unprecedented times of the COVID-19 lockdown, an era that reshaped lives and livelihoods. It was during this period of isolation and reflection that the concept of www.inkstitchpress.co.uk took root. Sequestered in our homes, with the world outside at a standstill, we found ourselves in the unlikeliest of creative havens: our garages and bedrooms. These humble spaces, usually reserved for personal retreats or storing forgotten treasures, transformed into our workshops and think tanks.

Amid the quietude imposed by the lockdown, our ideas began to flourish. We spent countless hours, often stretching into the wee hours of the night, brainstorming and experimenting with website layouts and product designs. The synergy between us was palpable, as one idea led to another, each more exciting than the last. It was a time of boundless creativity and determination, fueled by our shared vision and the unique circumstances that brought us together.

It was in these makeshift studios, surrounded by the familiar and the mundane, that we laid the foundation of what would become Ink Stitch Press. We juggled between coding websites and sketching product designs, each day bringing us closer to our dream. This period of intense collaboration and innovation, born out of necessity and nurtured by passion, marked the birth of our venture. It’s a testament to the fact that great things can arise from the most challenging times and the most unassuming places.

About The Founders

Ink Stitch Press is the brainchild of Kelly Stedman and Louise Key, two creative and dedicated mothers who turned their passion into a thriving business.


Kelly Stedman, a mum of two, Jack and Isla, has always been immersed in the world of arts and crafts. Her lifelong passion for creativity and keen eye for detail are evident in every unique piece created for our boutique. Kelly’s artistic flair gives our products their distinctive charm.


Louise Key, mum to Isabelle and supported by her husband Dave, brings her creative vision and practical insight to the business.

Their journey began at their children’s school gates, where a simple meeting evolved into a deep friendship and eventually, a fruitful business partnership. This friendship is the cornerstone of Ink Stitch Press, a testament to the power of shared dreams and collaboration.

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